Installation Checklist

Installation instructions for CySight and supported Operating Systems

Installation Checklist

Do you have appropriate resources?

When running in either Performance mode or Professional mode a min 50G of disk is required and more depending on the number of Devices exporting to CySight.

If using CySight in Professional Mode a much large allowance of space should be available to record the flows. Flows can be profuse. Please see the knowledge base item CySight Sizing - Planning Disk Space Requirements

When using CySight in Professional Mode or when using CySight external Enterprise collector it is prudent to identify flows that can be reduced or even completely aggregated using Data Collection Tuning.

How many CPU's?

Multiple CPU’s will significantly speed query and processing time.

Is Netflow configured correctly?

Check all interfaces are set to “ip flow ingress” to ensure CySight captures all the traffic in and out.

Is SNMP accessible

Confirm and SNMP is correctly configured on your router and it can be reached and resolved from the CySight server. If your SNMP is not setup correctly interface names cannot be resolved and interface bandwidth cannot be discovered.

Go to Configuration -> Device and enter your SNMP community string per Device or change the global snmp password in the Site administration screen. Click the line, click modify, enter string, click confirm, wait a few minutes. The resolve will take longer if the number of interfaces is large.

Setup some base configurations

Configuration -> Administration -> Site Configuration

SMTPServer - your mail server address to receive automated reports and alerts.
senderAddress – An smtp email user name
trapReceiver - your trap manager Ip address

Some common installation issues

Please ensure you are installing with the root user as the installation process must have permission to access the socket file.

Please ensure that mysql is not preinstalled during your initial install by any other previous product install or base operating system installation.

CySight will install an appropriate version of mysql and requires its own permissions to create and manage its own database.

In the event the following packages or equivalent fr your version of Linux install please remove first before installing our package.

rpm -e dovecot-1.0.7-2.el5.i386
rpm -e mysql-5.0.45-7.el5
rpm -e perl-DBI-1.52-1.fc6

If you have not yet requested a license key you can do it now from our Download page. If you require to test CySight Performance or other CySight special features you will need to request a license key from our global sales desk